The following taxes are effective for Glen Rock residents.

  • Per Capita Tax is for all residents 18 years and older, and is currently $10.00 paid annually to the tax collector.
  • Earned Income Tax. Residents are required to pay 1.3% of their earned income.  This is paid through an employer deduction to York Adams Tax Bureau (  Of note, .5% goes to the Borough and .8% goes to Southern York County School District.
  • Property Tax rate for Glen Rock Borough is 3.55 mills (.00355 times the assessed value of the property).
  • Local Services Tax, for those that live and work in Glen Rock, is $20.00 per year (low income exemption is $12,000).
  • Realty Transfer Tax, 1% of the value of real estate is imposed upon the sale of real estate in the Borough.
  • School Tax is levied by the Southern York County School Board, not Glen Rock Borough.  Please refer your school tax questions to the school board.  Click here for more school tax information.

The Borough Tax Collector collects the Per Capita Tax, Property Tax, School Tax and Local Services Tax. The Borough’s elected tax collector is:

Lee Hoffheins, Tax Collector
108 West Court
Glen Rock, PA 17327

Download Pennsylvania’s Taxpayers Bill of Rights here.

York Adams Tax Bureau tax information and New Resident/Change of Address form: YATB Message