
John Trout


Becky Magnani


Ann Merrick

Tax Collector:

Lee Hoffheins

Maintenance Supervisor:

Ronald McCullough, Jr.

Evan Gabel, CGA Law Firm


Jason Brenneman, P.E., James R. Holley & Associates, Inc.


Klugh Animal Control

Michelee Klugh
4180 Manchester St.
Glen Rock, PA 17327
(717) 916-1413
Animal Control Services

Act 44 Disclosure Form:  2023 Act 44 Disclosure Form

Note: Many local residents are serviced by the Glen Rock post office, and therefore have a Glen Rock address but actually do not live in Glen Rock Borough. Residents of Shrewsbury, Codorus, or Springfield Townships should contact their respective municipalities for their local government needs and questions.

Borough Commissions, Boards and other Council Appointed Positions

Planning Commission:  (Meets on the second Tuesday at 6:30pm “As Needed” in the Borough Office)

Two Vacancies
Jeremy Dixon (term expires Dec 31, 2027)

Joe Heisler (term expires Dec 31, 2028)

Jason Siesko (term expires Dec 31, 2025)

Southern York County Regional Planning Commission:

Becky Magnani

Zoning Hearing Board:

Kendall Cuthie (term expires Dec 31, 2027)

Tomy Lipka (term expires Dec 31, 2026)

Victoria Ribeiro (term expires Dec 31, 2027)

Vacancy Board Chairman:

L. James Merrick

Emergency Management:

Coordinator: Stan Walters
Deputy Coordinator: Jeff Joy
Assistant Coordinator: Doug Claborn

South Central York County Emergency Management Agency Representatives:

L. James Merrick
Alternate: Rollin Apgar

York Adams Tax Bureau and Tax Collection Committee Representatives:

Lee Hoffheins
Alternate: Rollin Apgar

York County Storm Water Consortium Representatives:

David Lipinski, JRH & Associates, Inc.

Alternate: JRH & Associates, Inc.